"Meant to be More," by Amelia Foster


Contemporary Romance

0 Smooches ~ No Heat  1 Smooch ~Cozy  2 Smooches ~ Warm  3 Smooches ~ Simmering  4 Smooches ~ Red-Hot  5 Smooches ~ Scalding
0 Smooches ~ No Heat
1 Smooch ~ Cozy
2 Smooches ~ Warm
3 Smooches ~ Simmering
4 Smooches ~ Red-Hot
5 Smooches ~ Scalding

Book Blurb

My best friend has spent the past several years traveling the world with Doctors Without Borders. It’s been her life’s dream and something I’ve always admired about her. But somehow, after twenty years of friendship, our last goodbye brought about the realization of a truth I hadn’t yet recognized.

I don’t just respect Jillian, I am in love with her, and it’s time she knows.

But upon her return home, she manages to lay her own shocking news on me before I can even form the words to tell her how I feel. It seems she needs access to the fortune her grandfather left her in his will. But there’s one problem.

The caveat being an antiquated, but ironclad stipulation that she can’t receive the funds unless she gets married and stays that way for eighteen months.

Naturally, I’m the only person she can trust with such a delicate arrangement. And I’m also hopelessly in love with her, so I’ll greedily take the chance to fake-marry my best friend.

This way, I can prove to her that we are meant to be more than just friends.


My Review

Writing the review for this book has been a bittersweet experience for me. The Meant to be series has been an important one for me, as both a writer and a reader. The very first book in the series, about the eldest Carlisle brother Tanner and his road to redemption after a single drunken mistake that nearly ended his marriage, was the first book I ever beta read upon entering into the #writingcommunity of Twitter. It—and most especially, its author—are the sole reason I’m where I am today as both a writer and a book blogging reader. So, having to find the right words to describe the feelings associated with my final read in the Meant to be series has been a challenge.

Meant to be More is the final installment in this sweet contemporary romance series by Amelia Foster. It’s been one I’ve highly anticipated because, throughout the rest of the books, Dean has always had a role to play, so we as the audience already feel a strong connection to him as a character. Ms. Foster did a beautiful job of setting up this final book right from the get go in her first novel, because Dean and Jillian and their adorable blindness to their own “much more than friends” friendship has been a subtle part of the series from the beginning. I knew this story was coming—because honestly, how could it not? Dean and Jillian have always been meant to be more!—but that knowledge didn’t lesson the impact one bit.

I adore the fun twist on the classic friends-to-lovers trope that Ms. Foster uses to tell the all important final installment to the Carlisle brothers’ love stories. She mixes a few other tropes into the tale to make her own fresh, unique take on a reader favorite. In addition to Dean and Jillian being long time friends—I’m talking since age seven here people. Tell me that’s not precious and amazing—she also adds in a fake marriage to season the plot. It’s so rewarding to see these two find the connection we’ve always known they had because even though, both through previous reads and the flashbacks Ms. Foster so expertly weaves into her stories, we as the reader totally know they’re gonna make that connection, it still happens in such a natural and genuine way that I had all the feels.

The only thing keeping me going as a reader is the knowledge that Ms. Foster isn’t going anywhere as a writer. She has a skill and a passion for telling beautiful, character-driven stories that will last a lifetime. That, and I’ve heard rumors Mat and Paige will be getting their own story. Not that there’s been behind the scenes begging involved or anything, but… there very well may be. (So, basically, y’all can thank me—and probably others, because I’m sure I’m not the only one pleading for more—when the Carlisle brothers’ universe finds a way to continue past their own romance tales!)

As with all of Amelia Foster’s wonderful books, I would highly recommend this story to any and all lovers of love. Period. There will be something in her stories to draw in any reader and keep them turning the page and wanting more at the end. Guaranteed. 💕💞


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Author Q&A with Amelia!

What is your most used emoji?

Laughing crying emoji followed closely by eyeroll emoji, none of which will surprise anyone who knows me.

Who was your first childhood actor/actress crush?

Jonathan Brandis, may he rest in peace

Have you ever been told you look like someone famous? Who was it? Do you agree?

Yes, Drew Barrymore and I occasionally agree when I have the right kind of make-up on.

What’s the best part of your day?

I work in healthcare so given the current climate, taking my mask off after ten – twelve hours is easily the best part of my day.

How many plot ideas are simmering in your writerly brain, just waiting to be written? Can you tell us a little bit about one?

I usually have lots of random ideas brewing and tons of “huh, that should be a story” things rolling about in my brain, but currently working to flesh out the next series concept based on three sisters who inherit an inn and their love interests who will help the takeover… mostly.

How do you balance making demands on the reader with taking care of the reader?

I am forever and always a reader before a writer. I love the written word and being lost in the worlds authors create. So much so that I approach writing like a reader. I stretch their imagination, sometimes try to throw in a red herring, and sometimes shock them by making the person they thought was trustworthy a villain in the end. I brainstorm plots and twists that I myself would like to read to try to, hopefully, engage and entertain those reading my work just as much.

Are any of the characters in your story based off real people you’ve known?

Nearly every character carries traits of people I love. In Meant to be Different, I gave Georgia the best friend a girl could possibly ask for in Paige who was nearly completely based off my own bestie. Although I’ve definitely thrown traits of her into several characters because she contains way too much awesome to be confined to one. And I’ll prove how well I know her by predicting she probably has a headache from rolling her eyes so much reading this that she has a headache, but she’s also smiling because she loves how much I love her. :)

How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have?

About 17. Some of which will never see the light of day because they require SO MUCH work to make even slightly palpable, but others I might be willing to rip apart and fix one day. Maybe. Possibly. With enough coffee.

What’s one thing you’d like to say to your readers and/or future readers?

There aren’t words of gratitude big enough for everyone who has picked up any or all of my books and given them a chance. It means more than I can possibly say that my little group of four brothers who are so opposite in so many ways (although practically identical in others) have managed to find people who like them and follow along each of their books. I can’t wait to share future more stories with you all in the future. You guys are seriously far more inspiring to me than you’ll ever know. And more than anything, I would LOVE to hear from you! Feel free to stalk me on any/all of my social media sites and, please, feel free to grab me on DM or email anytime.


Amelia Foster

A simple girl born in the South, raised along the Eastern seaboard, now in the wintry North who loves books, coffee, and fluffy cuddles from all the fur babies whether they are hers or not.


Connect with Amelia below!


So, what are you waiting for? Meant to be More is available for your immediate reading pleasure! Get your copy today!! 📖
