Posts in Literary Fiction
"Dear Comrade Novák," by Silvia Hildebrandt

Historical / Literary Fiction

This week’s read definitely strayed from my normal fare. I’ve loved the opportunities my blog has provided me to stretch my readerly boundaries and experience things I wouldn’t have had the chance to had I remained within my Romancelandia bubble. Dear Comrade Novák by Silvia Hildebrandt is the perfect example of just such a read.

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"Southsayer," by Alia Hess

★ ★

Cozy Literary Post-Apocalyptic Sci-Fi

I was thoroughly impressed by this week’s read, y’all. I’ve only read a few post-apocalyptic novels in the past, and they’ve been very much hit or miss with me. This one? A definite hit. Southsayer by Alia Hess is book 4 in her Travelers series but it is billed as a standalone that can be used as an entry point into her established series for new readers.

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"1, 4, 3," by Alicia Sophia

LGBTQIA+ Literary Fiction

H’okay, my lovelies, this week’s read was a rough one. I’ve said it a dozen times before, and will say it a dozen+ more times… I’m a romance writer/reader at heart, so anything outside that genre often throws my HEA-centric heart for a loop. 😂 Alicia Sophia’s 1, 4, 3 is touted as LGBTQIA+ literary fiction and, ho boy, is it ever. Published by RhetAskew Publishing and nominated for a Lambda Literary Award, this lit fic dives deep and dark and doesn’t pull any punches. To put it simply, it’s heartbreakingly superb.

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